Apr 15, 2024
1. Mr. Neill befriends a group of friendly anarchists
2. Dance party failure
3. Santarchy
4. Pillow fight
5. Luchador bowling
6. Punk rock karaoke misunderstanding
7. Karaoke humiliation
8. Judgy house cleaner
9. 11/11 11:11 end of the world party
10. Glowing in a microbus
11. Asia finds her people
12. Glowing...
Apr 1, 2024
1. Mr. Neill picks a slacker to mentor him
2. Mr. Morrill’s approach to teaching
3. Mr. Neill gives a Geometry test
4. Benjamin no longer has perfect attendance
5. The professor and the Jesus painter
6. 1.5 life hacks from Mr. Morrill
7. Mr. Morrill joins the Army
8. Daniel avoids disaster when the boss picks...